Week 1 (Sep. 17) Sara Abou Rashed – Future Ancestors: Writing Memories & Memoirs

FEE: $15

Week 1 (Tuesday, September 17)


Sara Abou Rashed – Future Ancestors: Writing Memories & Memoirs

We know much about ourselves and the world we’ve inherited, so what inheritance do we plan to leave? In this class, we’ll reflect on being “future ancestors” to generations ahead and travel back in memory to our own beloved ancestors after whom we take in looks, memories, characteristics, likes, dislikes and more. From the artist of the one-woman show A Map of Myself, this session will include writing exercises, a discussion on the value of preserving memories, and creative approaches to writing a memoir.

About Sara Abou Rashed

Sara Abou Rashed is a poet, storyteller, and public speaker. Her works appear in the anthology A Land With A People, Poetry Magazine, Poetry Wales, Arab Literature Quarterly, as well as the latest High School English curriculum from McGraw Hill. Sara has delivered a TEDx Talk and keynoted many national conferences. In 2018, she created a one-woman show narrating her family’s immigration journey titled, A Map of Myself, which she has performed over 15 times across the US–including at the MAC! With a BA from Denison University and an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Michigan, Sara is speaking across the country and working on her first book.