Isaya Oleporuo – Growing Up Maasai (Cultural Connections)
Isaya Oleporuo, a Maasai Warrior from a remote village in northern Tanzania, loves to share his culture with others. In his interactive “Growing up Maasai” program you will learn about this peaceful, kind and sharing people who live in extended-family homes (bomas). Maasai life has remained largely unchanged for the past several centuries. The arts and its symbolism is very rich in Maasai culture. Isaya will show and demonstrate their traditions, dress, beautiful jewelry (available for purchase to help the Maasai women), dance and song. He will tell about the roles of elders, young men and women in their culture. Boys learn from fathers about becoming warriors who are guardians of their cows and servant-leaders for their people. In the past, girls have become wives and mothers at a very young age. You will also learn about Isaya’s work to rescue young girls from forced childhood marriage and finding sponsors to help them further their education.